Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Teacher still cares

Yesterday morning at 8:30am promptly Cecilia, a grade 3 teacher from Lehutsu Primary school from Sasolburg travelled by taxi to honour an appointment she asked for with Jocelyn Gulston, a trainer at READ. Cecilia called Jocelyn asking her to assist her with additional traing so that come 2011 she would be the best educator she can be for her students.

Jocelyn was more than happy to assist an educator who shows such passion for the work she does and cares so deeply for the children in her school. Cecelia expected nothing in return and yet spent her own money on travelling and meal costs to come and learn from one of READ's experienced trainers.

Cecelia making teaching aids to take back with her for her classroom next year
The two ladies worked the entire morning until late in the afternoon with Cecelia learning new and innovative ways to engage her students in her lessons.

Cecelia has taken change into her own hands. We are glad to see that there are teachers who want to see change happen in our schools and understand that READ is always ready and willing to assist where they can.

Making a difference one class at a time

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Primary and Secondary education in South Africa

Primary and Secondary education in South Africa

School life of young South Africans spans over 13 years or grades. The first year of education, grade R(reception year), is not compulsory, Grade 10,11and 12 are also not compulsory. Usually enroll into grade 1 at the age of six and a half. In South Africa the school year starts in mid-January and ends at the end of November or the beginning of December.

 The average learner-to-educator ratio schools was 31.5:1 ranging from 28.9:1 in the Free Sate to 33.2:1 in Limpopo. Private Schools generally have one teacher for every 20 scholars.

The gross enrollment ration for primary and secondary schools was 94 percent in 2007; this ratio is somewhat smaller when grade R is taken into consideration, because few parents register their children for the reception grade. The department of Education hopes to have grade R in all primary schools by 2010.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gauteng Primary Literacy Strategy

Read Educational Trust is participating in the Gauteng Primary Literacy Strategy that is being rolled out in underperfoming schools across the province from January 2011 until 2014. Sixteen trainers from READ will be responsible for the training of 965 foundation phase teachers at 129 schools in the Johannesburg South, Sedibeng East and West districts.

In preparation for their training lessons for Grade 1 were prepared by the newly appointed trainers. These lessons were informed by the new Heights teacher's guide provided (My Family)

The relevant teaching aids i.e. vocabulary/sight words and phonic charts were prepared and evaluated by project leaders (Senior Trainers) to insure consistent and uniform material.

A trainer shows presents her work during a training session with senior trainers
The objective of the presentations is to allow the new trainers to gain confidence in themselves and their work. This also allows them the opportunity to learn from each other before they go out into the field nest year.

Trainers prepares her material for her lessons

The alphabet made easy
Looks like these trainers are well on their way to being ready. wishing them all the best of luck for the task ahead.

Learning made fun

Hi all

Blogger has seen fun innovative ways of teaching in the READ training rooms. We've discussed the importance of making the learning a experience a fun one, I've found fun and easy ways that may help you along.

Yesterday I sat in briefly during a traing session at READ. They made it look fun but it certainly isn't easy making sure that your children remain captivated and enjoy the entire lesson.

Riette Els was teaching her colleagues ways to interact and teach children at (Early Childhood Development) ECD level, if you thought little personalities were a handful you might want to think again, these trainers where so full of energy I thought the room would start spinning.

Riette's students after completing an exercise
Students present their three elements of nature as required by the given task  
I sat in on an exercise and one fast realizes that so much can be done with what we have around us. They used egg shells to grow been seeds. When children get frustrated there are child friendly ways to release their frustrations. They showed me how to use bright sponges filled with water that can be throw against a wall without breaking anything and creating an awesome splash of water.

Water soaked sponges and egg shells have 101 uses

Next week blogger will talk you through the lesson and the objectives of each exercise.